Our Journey
The History of Nurture Through Nature
In 1998, Jen Deraspe started to think about how she really wanted to live and work. In her mind, it was a mountain with water; buildings powered by the sun; a central meeting space for people to gather; gardens; stone walls; a flow of people coming together for healing and peace; living close to the land; being caretakers on a beautiful space on earth. Jen, along with the support of the many members community, raised the Lodge. After that, NTN grew as requests showed up at the door. Our Healing Arts Studio was born in 2009, quickly followed by our wood-fired sauna. Yurts came next with all the material carried in by hand since there was no road access. It’s been so special to be able to settle into the beautification of the land, the trails, the spaces. We have carved a sacred little space into nature and do our best to reside in cooperation with the natural world. We are so grateful for all the neighbors, volunteers, carpenters, crew that help build NTN from the ground up, doing so with respect to the whispers and needs of our spirited mountain.
I am deeply grateful to be passing the torch to Emily now and that NTN will continue on as a retreat center. This place will carry on in support of those seeking deep connection with nature, self and community. This feels like miraculous Grace.
I am deeply grateful for this adventure and all it has given, including such amazing humans that have met me on the path. You are dear to me and you know who you are. My heart is breaking open.
I will continue to offer the services and tools that I am passionate about through my coaching practice and suspect I will end up back at NTN to share in more circles as inspired and called to.
A deep bow to you, to NTN, this mountain that has held me and so, so many and to Life.
Love, Jen
The Future of Nurture Through Nature
I have the great honor of shepherding Nurture Through Nature into it’s next chapter. I have quite big shoes to fill following Jen’s powerful presence at NTN.
I am in awe of what she has created here in Denmark, from the buildings she constructed by hand, to the programming she designed, and to the relationships she has cultivated with neighbors. I am eager to take the base that she created and expand on its endless potential. I have dreams of furthering the healing and movement offerings, filling spaces with flowers and mushrooms, inviting an artist in residence to experience the spirited lands of Pleasant Mountain, and so much more. Jen- thank you for providing me with both roots and wings as I embark on this new adventure!
About two months after taking over Nurture Through Nature, I got the shocking news that I had a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer at the age of 29. While our mountain has incredible healing power, I knew that cancer was a disease of my body but a diagnosis for my family. I was so lucky to get care from one of the top doctors for my cancer back in my hometown of Los Angeles, where I could also have the support of my family. It was extremely difficult to leave NTN right after we switched over the ownership for me and my team and there are no words to describe how grateful I am that they all stuck with me, picked up some of my responsbiltiies, and kept Nurture Through Nature running with very little guidance from me. They say it takes a village and my small NTN village really had my back. My absolute gratitude goes to Mer Deraspe, Bobbie Blau, Dawn Crowe, Jeanine Webber, Dom DiMatteo, Shane Normile, Jamie Coppola, Michael Lee, Tom Perley, Jay Lagasse, Orianna Bailey, Dan Kurnick, Adam Armington, and Roger Legoff for all the time and love you give our land.
I found NTN during the COVID-19 pandemic and I knew the second I arrived that part of my soul was waiting for me amongst the trees. I believe that at that moment, NTN knew that I would need it as part of my healing journey moving forward. I have learned so much already from those trees and the people I have met so far and I am just getting started. I am particularly looking forward to creating a haven for people undergoing life-challenging medical diagnoses, those who are experiencing grief and loss, those working to restore their health, and the people that surrounded them during those challenging times.
I hope to meet each and every one of you who arrive here at Nurture Through Nature. You are welcome here, you are safe here, and you have a home here. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us. If there is anything I can do to support you, you know where to find me!
While I was going through chemo, someone sent me a letter with only the words “looking forward to a beautiful tomorrow” on it. Although today is quite beautiful here on the mountain, I yearn for a more beautiful tomorrow. And I hope you’re there with me.
With all my gratitude,

We recognize that Nurture Through Nature occupies the land of the Wabanki people including the Maliseet, Mi’kmag, Abenaki, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Nations. The Wabanki have sacred relationships with Maine’s lands. Nurture Through Nature acknowledges the legacy of the region’s painful colonial history and commits to better understanding it, celebrating it, and protecting it.